Paris Olympics 2024

What’s with journalists repeating all this stuff too? Sean Ingle of The Guardian seems to have gone off the deep end too. Whatever about the likes of Kev, JK Rowling & @BigDave69BritainFirst retweeting guff, you’d expect trained journalists to do some fact checking.

Wtf :sweat_smile:

He stole that off somewhere else because I’d heard it. Possibly in the analysis. 3m the ideal depth apparently this is a slow pool

Alright. A conspiracy trump aupporting accou t i follow has come out and gave the facts. @backinatracksuit was correct in his assessment earlier on. I concede i was initially incorrect. End of statement

Every blue tick jizzrag is an expert on chromosomes now.


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John is a new man with his sidekick Nick back in action

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The INTERNET drives people cuckoo. As Sean Ingle is a fellow sufferer of a macula off detached retina I will cut him some slack as this condition genuinely does drive a person cuckoo.

Ingle is a nephew (I think) of the late Brendan Ingle (he’s also a cousin of Roisin Ingle) and I presume has some deep seated views on the issue.

In all seriousness I think sport is very much a grey area as regards gender issues, especially combat sports and sports with heavy physical contact, but the stuff we saw online today was pure culture war cuckoo stuff.

Predictably what is happening is that any genuine concerns are being completely overtaken and drowned by batshit culture war stuff from people who genuinely want to vilify and persecute any woman who doesn’t fit into a MAGA world feminine stereotype.

That’s how you got the US women’s rugby player Ilona Maher being called a man by MAGAworld. It’s how you get Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris being called men.

JK Rowling’s evolution online is fascinating. A certain celebrity personality type cannot handle the INTERNET and turns into a walking Milgram experiment drunk on their own power and platform, oblivious to their own stupidity. This almost always leads to being far right or allying with the far right. Rowling is so clearly this type.

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What time is Jack Marley fight due on at?

Why do none of the swimmers give it big licks on the walk outs like wrestlers, boxers & the likes?

Is it simply a case of not wasting energy or raising the heart rate unnecessarily? They want to control their breathing & all that lark? Or is just etiquette of the sport?

Even the post race celebrations are usually quite muted.

“Less than ten minutes” according to RTÉ website. So anytime between now and midnight I suppose

I’m waiting for English band The xx, best known for providing the backing soundtrack to All-Ireland SFC qualifier draws in the late 2000s/early 2010s, to weigh in with their views.

Coldplay, known for their album X&Y, may have a view on this too.

9.20ish according to Cantwell a while ago. Time to make a cup of tea.

I’m again asking this

She looks like a little girl here anyway.

I have to say I am annoyed at the Italian girls theatrics, she surely knew the story, she was happy to shake hands/touch gloves at the start but she behaved like a spoiled child after quitting.

This is a very complicated situation but the Algerian girl deserves most of the sympathy, she’s been beaten plenty in her career, this isn’t as we’ve been told

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Joanne Cantwell is obsessed with rules.

Mona McSharry?

I’m 99% sure you can’t fill out a form in Algeria and change your gender. If she was born a woman, she’s been a woman the whole time. So her passport will be definitive.

Yeah she doesnt deserve the pile on.

That condition is very hard to judge, i think she should be allowed compete. Its a different argument to trans competiting woth women