Paris Olympics 2024

There’s a brilliant Irish culture of not moving out of the road even when you’ve had your time! George will be quietly satisfied that some Lyric listeners noted he wasn’t on TV tonight, even if it’s only a small few.

A small highlights package would be all you’d need. The Argentinians have been in two fucking rows and not a peep.

You wouldn’t know twas on at all, just saw France won, themselves and England are churning out players. France defenders and England cage footballish wide forwards. They’ll have to have a look at it as it isn’t the place for it. I’d say they thought M’Bappe would play but Real weren’t having it. It’s mad they’re taking out the lightweight rowing, but soccer, rugby and golf are there.

Soccer and Rugby are beyond saturated at this stage, Winter world cup was really good but I was struggling to find a few to go for a few pints for the Euros final. Nobody gave a shite.


Aye I could care less about it, but you’d put together a package in 5 mins.

Henry was seething he didn’t get Mbappe

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The loss of face might hurt Henry there unless they win it. They probably will now. MBappe is a funny cat I’d say and the best negotiator in soccer. Himself, Vini and Bellingham at Real next year will be fascinating as someone will have to carry a bit of water. I could see them doing over young Vini somehow.

There’s an either or conclusion to be made from the rowing.

Either Skibb has some natural genetic advantage for rowing similar to what the Kenyans have for long distance running.

Or if we made some effort we could be dominating rowing and winning 3 or 4 golds every Olympics. Like what % of people in Ireland have ever tried rowing? Is it just that people in Skibb have tried?

Same with boxing.

I’m introducing a new olympic programme all money to be spent on rowing and rowing. It’s what we were meant to do

In a four-year Olympic cycle (an Olympic quad), approximately 14,000 athletes from over 200 countries participate in the Games. Considering the global population of 8.1 billion people, the probability of becoming an Olympian is staggeringly small.

Only about 0.0000017% of the world’s population, or 1 in 500,000 people, will make it to the Olympics.

OR fuck all people try to be an Olympian.

Now I could never be a 100m sprinter. Or any sort of runner.

But I’ve always wondered if there was some sort of weird sport I could secretly have been good at

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Wasn’t there some Turk who literally just picked up a firearm and won a silver in one of the shooting things. I think he is also blind. Shooting, archery, something like that. Or buy one of those 20 million pound showjumpers.

Ya showjumping is definitely, at least largely, money.

Just saw a youtube short of Ozzy Osbourne’s kids and their mother on the podcast, they are smashing the Ozempic. I might make a showjumper/jockey myself.

And sailing

What % of the World has ever even tried like pole vaulting. It’s obviously not easy. But there’s definitely at least a million people on this planet who never tried pole vault and would be class at it. Where as I feel there would be much less who have never ran before and noticed they were fast

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An old favourite.

Cork have some tradition as a county in fairness despite all the jibes on tfk. Sport, music, revolutionary history :facepunch:

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They’ve really managed to rise above the TFK jibes alright

Pretty much…I only know two people who have rowed competitively and they are both from Skibb…and both still at it into their 30s at social level for want of a better term

you’d want to be actually jumping horses from when your knee high to be good enough jockey but you’d need plenty money, or good luck, from a young age to stay at it. Good horses and all the gear that goes with it is v expensive and you wouldn’t have time to be at any other sports

Thanks Arthur we wouldn’t be the kind to blow our own trumpet :trumpet::trumpet:

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Rowing has always struck me a sport lacking somewhat in skill that you don’t need huge natural sporting talent to be good at.