Paris Olympics 2024

You could see it coming literally a mile away

Ah lads. That’s incredible. Bol had no right to do that.

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Femke is different class


That was unbelievable, delighted the US fucked it.

47.93 split from Bol


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Femke Fucking Bol

That was best last lap I can remember



States absolutely disgusted

So much for the rain slowing them down.

How did Ireland manage to beat them? That was sensational.

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A fantastic example of peaking too soon

Ringing the bell :heart_eyes:

Ireland let a handy medal slip here.


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It’s two seconds faster than we ran in Euros.

Winning that Euros was a great win.

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3 seconds better off… :eyes:

As good a final leg in a relay as you’ll ever see. Blessed to watch that


Is kellie still set for 9.08?

I didn’t say gold but we would have been second in heats replacing RA time with worst split.
The lady in second leg cost the Dutch world record. She gave up badly on handover