Paris Olympics 2024

Brave final lap from Doyle, but not enough.


Cheryuiot doesn’t look like the force of old. Just about squeezed through in 6th there with a very laboured run.

Greg is a little happy clappy there. It was a grand run, very brave, but yknow, relax. A PB, that’s all you can ask for from any athlete though. He has something that’s for sure.

RTE producer screaming in his ear - don’t mention Michelle

They’re going out of their way to not mention her.

Are Irelands successes at this Olympics all down to Bernard Jackman?

With all those drugs anything is possible

Cunt trying to hang Wiffen


Don’t think he could hang him. Wiffen would have to have some regard for him to be hung! Wiffen is a different cat.

What a show !

OTB went out of their way to hang kellie Harrington. I wouldnt trust anyone in the media


How did they do that?

Thompson has an aura

Thompson to win it.

Saffer will medal I fancy

Just get on with it please.

What’s the delay?

Wtf are they waiting for?

Oh jesus
