Paris Olympics 2024

What a race. Lyles saving it for when it mattered.

Lyles backs up the talk.

He ran the last 20 like Bolt

Ben Johnson’s time ! His lane too

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Running around with his name held up rather than his national flag, what a narcissistic prick.

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5 / 1000 of a second to secure a place for ever as Olympic champion.

Lane 7 winning in 9.79. We’ve seen that before.

Sports needs showmen like Lyles


Best 100m final since Seoul in '88 I’d say…

We have enough McGregor types.


Thompson foot over line first but no matter.

Lyles had the 200 metres endurance once he made a semi respectable start out of the blocks.

Tough enough for a silver

Thompson tensed up. He looked well within himself running 9.80 in semi final. Was forcing it at the end there in the final to run 9.79.

Everyone well under 10 secs

Spare a thought for poor Jacobs. It’ll be another 2 years before he’s seen and tested again


Looks like he did his hammer too

So feet don’t count?

Yer man won the hammer by about 5 metres. :exploding_head:


Torso is what counts. It’s why they dip.