Paris Olympics 2024

This is a wonderful interview with Kellie.


I always say that they must be the worst sporting country on earth. Stone useless.


What did spain win it in? Basketball or soccer or something that we all agree shouldnt be an Olympic sport?

Oh no RTE had to go and ruin it all with this dirge.

Sailing! Gold in the class we came fourth in (and threw away a medal to be honest)

Darren is from Paulstown. I knew his old man, Ollie. Died earlier this year. Motor neurone disease. An awful f*cker of a thing to get. Possibly the worst. Ollie was a boxing fanatic and set up the club in Paulstown. You’d get fellows like Ollie in boxing and other minority sports dotted all over the country who almost single handedly would organise a club and keep it going in a small area where you’d be scratching your head asking, how is there a club in that sport there.


It was Kellie herself singing it


That’s quite a flattering photograph of Kellie.


Goes to show what can be done witj little investment. The money wasted in horses greyhounds the FAI with no return. And thats tax payer money in sports, leaving the politics of other misuse of spending.

We should target specific sports we know we have a chance at exceling at. Boxing is one, added to the social benefit of its popularity with the disadvantaged in our society.

Hopefully we see a change and this week is a stimulus for that


When you think about it. Ronnie to Treacy was 24 years. Seemed like a lifetime. Sonia to now is 24 years. We are old


I thought there might have been one thing in the world you didn’t know

RTE need to produce a great montage at the end of the games

Suggest reusing “This is the moment” by Colm Wilkinson.

Also 28 years since Ireland won three or more gold medals at an Olympics.

Funding was what got us the medals in 1996. :zipper_mouth_face:

The corruption is disgusting and the people whonrun it are all filthy. The fucking russians now but the yanks were as bent too

Can the fantastic four become the famous five?

You’d imagine medals make it easier to get corporate money too.

You’re slightly off with the maths between 1956 and 84 but I get your point. I remember watching the 1984 marathon, like it was only yesterday. 40 years ago. Bloody hell.

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Terrible return for a country of that size. Rahm fucked it away for them (so did rors for ‘us’)

Nadal beimg retired would have had a shout in tennis. I blame soccer but the spanish ruined soccer so fucked them