Paris Olympics 2024

Li Wenwen of China about to ENTER the competition by attempting 130kg.

Park planning an assault on 131kg.

The Chinese will be VERY happy with that.

There are a lot of fellas who’d consider themselves strong, myself included, that’d struggle to bench what she just put over her head

The last time I saw 131kg being benched was when Sean Quigley got substituted.

Very disappointing that the BBC have gone back to the track cycling. Nobody understands it.


Eurosport 1 doing the weightlifting

I’m watching it on this link. Li Wenwen has lifted 136 kg now but is electing not to take her final lift in the snatch part of the competition. I have no idea what’s happening but it’s a hell of a lot more exciting than the track cycling.

Daybreak LA presented by Moya Doherty iirc

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It’s done on a total, the weights of the snatch and clean and jerk will be combined. A heavy weight takes a huge amount out of someone so if you can minimise the amount of reps you do you’re at a big advantage


Shut your trap you racist motherchucker


Cali is extremely liberal and especially SF… The state has ate itself due to crackpot lefty headbanger-ism

The LAZER ROUND on Eurosport 2 now.

That’s where we’re at now. Tracksuit was viciously set on for asking a very innocent question.


Remember Dunphy wrote articles about the LA Olympics and the soullessness of the place. Everyone wishing him “have a nice day”. Eventually he got fed up of it and told someone “go fuck yourself”.


Whatever policies California has followed lately, mainly progressive ones, have not worked. In fact they’ve been disastrous. They are suffering an exodus of creative, talented people and having things like homelessness and drug-use skyrocketing

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Flawless lift from the Egyptian there. Power jerk so much tidier than a split jerk

The homelessness isn’t necessarily a local problem I don’t think. Homeless people come to California from across the states.

Cost of living plays a part too

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That’s certainly a possibility but the unaffordable cost of living in California, including stupidly high taxes, has driven a lot of locals into homelessness

Finally a bit of modern pentathlon on BBC but it’s not the delinquent horses part.

Just too heavy for the Uzbek lifter. Never looked solid