Paris Olympics 2024

Savage lifting by Tursonoy Jabbarova of Uzbekistan. She lifts 112kg on the first go.

Perez Reveron of Venezuela is pumped up and shouting and she lifts 114kg.

Mary Theissen Lappen of the US lifts 115kg. I love her eyeshadow.

These are proper, proper women.

Why are you always so angry?


Tech companies?

I find racism a bit distasteful mate.

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For anyone planning on Brisbane '32. Have a decent contingency because Australia will make an absolute fuck of this. The games will end up in Hong Kong or KL.

This track cycling is interminable. Coverage today should be all about women’s weightlifting, delinquent horses and Serbs and Croats shoving their index fingers up each others’ holes in the water polo.

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I believe you mate. So what are you talking about then?

What was racist about it?

“Turned into a ghetto” for a start.

The historical reverberations of building your economy on the backs of slavery

What’s racist about that?

Some lads here really need to chill out a bit
I’m still recovering from the attack the other day when I innocently enquired whether Adeleke was a Muslim, some people are always looking for an angle to attack :man_shrugging:

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I took it to be an attack at WOKENESS

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It was an absolutely text book subtle wind up and it worked a treat

The usual modus operandi of right wing narrativising is to imply something without directly stating it.

This is called dog whistling.

“Many people are saying…”
“We all know…”

It’s a technique for somebody to imply something bigoted. But the person is too cowardly to actually say what they want to say because they don’t want to be challenged on it. So they disguise it.

It’s a classic example of the newspeak language developed on the INTERNET. INTERNETish.

Real people say what they want to say. Normal people don’t talk in INTERNETish because they don’t have anything to hide about their real views.

The lads here do.

Fuck me this ties exactly into my timeline.
Is my Mrs actually @ChairmanDan

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Chaidee of Thailand lifts 120kg on her third and last attempt on her birthday! What drama!

But Ayovi Cabeas of Ecuador beats that by equalling her personal best of 121kg on her second attempt.

And then the reigning world champion Park Hyejeong of South Korea nonchalantly lefts 123kg.

Emily Campbell of GB also successful at 123kg.

This is some standard.

LA is a very dangerous feeling city. It felt more dangerous to me than Chicago, even though I believe Chicago is the more dangerous city statistically.

LA obviously has a massive, massive homelessness crisis.

Weightlifting on BBC now! Emily Campbell lifts 126kg!

Some of these ladies have the look of camogie goalkeepers