Paris Olympics 2024

A young Michael Lyster I’m fairly sure.

Athletics might just save the country


Sub 20 5k TFK runners coming out of the woodwork with regularity :clap:

Serbs v Croats in the water polo.

Yeah but I suppose only the elite will see us do better at Olympics which is the metric everyone seems to judge success by

It’s absolutely crazy the money the state invests to pad the bank accounts of horsey owners & to sustain the gambling industry, yet we don’t have an indoor velodrome.

Not taking into account the Dingle girl we lost to Team GB due to this also. This lies solely at the feet of horse racing and their gamblers

We could develop a native gambling industry based on keirin racing like in Japan. Instead of having horses, we’d have healthy adults as the gambling fodder. Lads would be hanging around Paddy Power to see whether their bet on @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and his fixie to place in the 5:20 at Thurles Velodrome was successful.


The fall of in kids doing athletics at 13 or 14 is a big issue alright. We need more technical and throwing coaches as not every kid will be a runner.


Women aren’t very good at basketball.

It’s the worst basketball I’ve ever seen.


Blonde French one trying to rescue it.

This match is an abomination though

I’m sure Timmy used to have an analyst in the broom cupboard with him back in the day. A fella who was even more Cork than he is.

French defence is awesome but USA are playing shocking

The French seem to have more possession but they have big trouble scoring simple shots.

France have missed 26 of 34 scoring attempts.

This was unreal theatre don’t remember a bit of it. Bailey dubs Johnson a chicken after

France score from the half way line!

3 in a row for Serbia on the Water Polo.

How about throwing a 30% tax on gambling and using the revenue to fund sport?

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