Paris Olympics 2024

The old skool version of the game must have been near identical to shinty/old skool hurling. Interesting how what were essentially the same sport a few centuries ago have evolved into very different streams, particularly over the course of the 20th century.

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Golf. Hockey. Shinty. Hurlingā€¦ All stem from ancient Egypt. The gaels were all Egyptian.

I get the feeling Earl McCarthy had already seen a live viewing of Ellen Walsheā€™s heat in the 100 metres butterfly whereas we only got a recording.

Wishing her granny a happy 80th birthday. Iā€™d say thereā€™s no prouder granny in Ireland right now.

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According to that the badminton lads played this morning is that correct?

Heā€™s playing at 6.30pm tonight against an Israeli as far as I remember

Thatā€™s what I thought

Sensational stuff :heart_eyes:

The badminton starts at 6:30
Nhats game is on at 8:10 pm

The Chef de Mission Gavin Noble is on the latest episode of the Cark plus Gillick podder & he talks about the gear in the last 10 minutes. They have gear contracts with McKvr & Adidas & teams are free to choose whichever they preferā€¦or something along those lines.


US wan here has picked an awful time to forget how to cycle. On her hole as much as on the bike

When does the child-rapist on the Dutch volleyball team play? That could be essential viewing

Sheā€™s doing the triathlon as well. The corners are a bit dodgy, a few have come down.

Thought Lowry had a top knot for a second


Is this Sevens game live? That French jersey is rank

Her legs are well torn up.

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Another Yank gone down now.

This many yanks havenā€™t fallen in France since Omaha beach

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Howā€™ve gone so far today

Be a much better sport if it morphed into ground hurling. Adrian Fenlon wouldā€™ve won us Gold at the 96ā€™ and 2000 Olympics.