Paris Olympics 2024

Very nice gear

Hockey would be a much better sport if it had an offside rule like association football and used 1890s style hurleys and allowed proper tackling.

Is there a ‘best of the Irish’ Greg Allen type Twitter account with times of events every day?

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Rowers are up and running. Lynch and Doyle winning their heat easy enough.

They used to have offside and from speaking to people it made for a terrible spectacle


Rowing reducing 13 boats to 12 ?

Ffs sake

They should do a few sandbox games with an offside rule. There’s too much focus on penalty corners which is where most of the goals seem to come from.

I’d also suggest bigger goals.

Irish rowers double sculls fastest heat winners. Won last World Cup. We should be getting a silver medal and lose to Dutch according to RTE rowing pundit.

Women up next. Double sculls. Tough heat.

The women are struggling here in 4th.

Women have moved to 3rd. A bold move. Savage sport. The legs and lungs must be burning.

44 strokes a minute from the women. They are third and into semi final.

Wah hey

With all the cost cutting RTE can’t afford chairs for the studio.

John Kenny and Nick O’Hare commentating on Olympic swimming. Is there anything better in the world?

Outside smokers.


It was exactly like football and it just led to crash balls to nowhere. The PC will change as the speeds are getting frightening and there’s been some high profile injuries. They’ve trialled a rule recently where if you inject out to the 23m and score from there , it counted double. That might be a long term solution.

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Women’s 4 x 100 Freestyle last in the heat.

More towards the @FlakeAway end of the font scale but useful nonetheless


Women’s Olympic swimming is phenomenal. Glistening bodies of American and Australian women. Top, top commentary and analysis.

What a feast for those of us who grew up swimming in Leisureland every summer and Easter and Christmas.

Beats the shit out of the Euros.

Earl McCarthy straight into the attack on social media, saying it’s a major distraction for swimmers from the task at hand.

Evanne then goes straight to a Tik Tok video filmed by Ellen Walshe of her accommodation in the Olympic village.
