Partick v Celtic ☘

2 up front. Klimala and Arzani on the bench

O’Connor never moved to Oxford after did he?

That lineup looks very narrow.

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No. He played for the development team during the week. He’s captain of that team. Still wouldn’t be surprised if he leaves but might need another defender in first. Elhamed got injured and Hendry is leaving and I’d say Elhamed getting injured might have scuppered the move.

Disappointing not to see Shved in the squad or Bayo.

Very underwhelmed at the level of rotation once again.

The writing is on the wall for Bayo anyway.

What’s the point in Edouard and McGregor clocking up more minutes away to fucking Partick?

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Ah come on. They’ve just had 3 weeks without a game.

We’re playing a side not far off a bunch of part timers. McGregor played more minutes in 2019 than any other player in the world, his form has dipped hugely this year, he looked out on his feet against the huns.

He does not need to be playing here this evening and neither does Edouard.

I don’t know what “not far off a bunch of part timers” means. They’re not part timers.

McGregor and Edouard have had 3 weeks since their last game. We have Kilmarnock on Wednesday night in an important game. I wouldn’t want our most important players going into that one rusty. And I don’t think McGregor’s form has dipped hugely this season at all. I think he’s been very good in general. But you see what you want to see to support your own views.

Complaining about the same issue every week is tiresome.

An issue remains an issue until it is addressed. Lennon is flogging key players to death, McGregor’s form is way down on his level under Rodgers.

Jackie McNamara was on the money this week when he had a pop at Lennon about the use of his squad. He quite rightly said that he can’t expect players to come in and make an impact in the team when he has ignored them for most of the season.

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Ha, are you still on your Jackie McNamara love in? You wanted him as manager and think the club treated him poorly. Absolute weirdo behaviour.

Have you sand in your vagina?

You’re getting very ratty about criticism that is logical. Lemon has managed this squad very poorly, a lot of players have regressed under his management.

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Haha you’re seething!!:joy:

I’m seething?

You’re the one who has just thrown a tantrum in a response to valid criticism.

Continue relentlessly defending a failed Bolton and HIbs manager though.

Bayo has been made available for loan, according to some reports during the week. Not sure if the club, player or both are pushing for it.

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What was Bitton at there?



Taylor has started off well.


Rogic and Taylor making good runs in that move.