Passport renewal

You’re flying Friday? Start looking into getting an appointment at one of the offices

Ring a politician - ASAP.


Did you apply online or with the paper form?


Should be on time unless you’ve gotten something wrong. Think the turnaround time is ten working days, a friend had hers returned in two working days just a week or so ago.

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You are speaking the lingo already at least



Here’s hoping

Ring them, they’ll press a button and it’ll be in the post this evening


Better still, get a politician to do it.

You’d want to be fairly desperate to be wasting a politicians time trying to get a passport renewal accelerated


He is. And its a local politician. Its a no brainer really. All politics is local.

They are usually up to their eyeballs getting people planning permission

Imagine sitting back crying into your pint this weekend because you couldnt pick up a phone to ring a local elected representative.

You’d want to be some daw.


Well done Art. Take note @myboyblue

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I’m still in shock anyone could be accused of wasting a politicians time.

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No reports of that kind of thing on here previously thankfully.

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the fuckers waste a lot of mine and @glasagusban time so there has to be a quid pro quo