Passport renewal

Why don’t you just get a passport on line? A passport card won’t get you past Clonmel

Just as a form of I.d. With a tight haircut I’m very young looking.

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Get me into pubs

You wouldn’t want to go to a pub in Clonmel

Can you not drive?

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Agecard is ideal for ye youngsters

I have the other problem. I get refused for being too old

The passport card is the handiest I’m told

Works abroad at least. No trouble in france. The spainish havent the foggest as to what it is

Can you not get a learner permit in card form?

I’d still pass for a fresh faced 16 or 17 year old so always get asked for ID. Always use my DL and when some pricks of bouncers see my actual age on it they think its definitely fake and turn me away.


I got asked for ID in the betting office at the weekend. Only doing the lotto numbers. I’m 27 in a few hours :rofl:


Im slightly older than you and its a regular occurrence for me. Some people like to slag me off about it, but i think its a good thing.

Is the National Age Card still a thing?

The old drivers licences were the job. Stick your passport photo over someone else and cellophane then on top. Off into Trinity rooms then.

You’ll outlive those dour cunts too. There was a solid 5 years of stag weekends where I’d be the only poor fucker checked by every bouncer from Carrick-on-Shannon to Cardiff.

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Or a few hours more if on your IPTV… happy birthday kid

I find it dead handy. Grand to leave in wallet for short trips

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I remember handing my (legit, albeit fairly battered) one of those over at the till in a Countdown store in Auckland the first time I tried to buy a six pack down there. I may as well have been handing the attendant a note from my mother.

I had to slink away, sans-IPA, and retrive my passport to get served. Would have been late 20s at the time and found I was being ID’d in every bottle shop, when I would never have been asked back here. Ultimately I ended up exchanging the licence for an NZ one just for the convenience of it.

