PDC World Darts Championship 2010

Stompe won 4-2. Attaboy Stompe.

Thatā€™s just splendid. :clap:

I was afraid to check up the results as i feared what iā€™d see.

How did the former tram driver from Amsterdam play?

Is Stompe into the quarter finals now or the last 16?

Quarters up against Webster who should take him.

Webster should take him alright, but saying that there isnā€™t much between them in the betting and the bookies canā€™t separate them.

Who awaits the winner in the semi-final? Are they on Taylors side of the draw?

[quote=ā€œThe Dunphā€]Webster should take him alright, but saying that there isnā€™t much between them in the betting and the bookies canā€™t separate them.

Who awaits the winner in the semi-final? Are they on Taylors side of the draw?[/quote]

Yeah - the winner of Taylor and Lewis.

Howā€™s the Baxter v Lloyd game in this inferior world championship going? On a bus and donā€™t have a strong enough signal to pick up a stream.

Baxter won, just tuned in, dunno score yet heā€™s being interviewed now.

Cheers, good stuff, was hoping for a Baxter win.

Still no idea what the score was but I got the impression from the interview it was an easy win.

Baxter won with ease in truth. 4-1 in the end.

Wade 0-1 down v Hamilton here having had the throw too. :thumbsup:

Iā€™m keeping a rough eye on it here allright, canā€™t wait for Barney/Painter. I have mickey mouse money on Painter but want Barney to win.

Andy Fordham in the crowd, pity he went to fook when he lost all the weight.

Is he with the PDC now or what, the hun?

Pity he is a biggotted hun.

He always seemed like an allright sort to me regardless. Heā€™s half the man he used to be these days.

No idea, apparently he went so bad after the weight drop he was qualifying for no tournaments.

Anyone who is best mates with Andy Goram cannot, by definition, be an alright sort.


Seems to be some atmosphere there tonight.