PDC World Darts Championship 2010

whitlock looks like he could do with a supersize mars bar :guns:

barney’s cover shooting has being brilliant

When darts is played like that it’s some game to watch in fairness

big big dart

Stop shaking your head Barney

now you hurling whitlock:clap:

Is it me or does Whitlock look like Forty Coats? also Barney is the head off Tipp football goalie Paul Fitzgerald

its you:):thumbsup:

barney showing good fight here, good to see:clap:

Barney nearly blew it there

Come on Barney. :clap:

At least there’s no duck eggs on the scoreboard tonight.

Strap in the fucking seatbelts folks. This could nearly be as good as O’Shea v Green.

Please lads don’t mention any BDO results here I want to watch the highlights later and not know results.

good darts from barney:clap:

Horrible, hooligan, Ingerlund, Ingerlund, merchants at this. A pure abomination of an event. Disgusting.

You just get the feeling Barney is getting the bit between his teeth here.

i do sid

160 finish, bravo

Sorry Fenway but I can’t marry you.