Pegida in Dublin

Do you believe in a right to free speech @Sidney

This @Sidney lads thinks anyone that is anti-rapist is a right wing extremist


I don’t think neo-Nazis should be given carte blanche to spread hate speech on O’Connell Street at 3pm on a Saturday, no more than I think Abu Hamza or ISIS supporters should be.

I hope that answers your question.

You obviously do think neo-Nazis should be allowed spread their hate speech, but then that’s only to be expected given the history of the party you support.

It’s quite telling what you think is acceptable and what isn’t.

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…that most revered of buildings where men died so that we could beat the shit out of people with opinions different to ours.

Perhaps you should try and educate yourself. Here you are claiming you know very little about Pegida, you should be embarrassed by that and withdraw from the thread until you get yourself up to speed.

You called the launch of Pegida in Ireland a “good initiative”. Another neo-Nazi supporter.

So you don’t believe in free speech and will decide what is or is not permitted as political discussion and will characterize views you disagree with as hate speech or neo Nazis to try and shut it down.

Glad we cleared that up.

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@HBV called the launch of the neo-Nazi group who posted this tweet a “good initiative”.

Like Section 31?

We can discuss that if you want in the what aboutery thread.

It’s revealing to know that you don’t characterise neo-Nazi rhetoric as “hate speech”.

Another one showing their true colours here.

Can I add you to the official list of forum neo-Nazis, so?

Can you answer the question please? There’s no point in you warbling on about freedom of speech if you are a Section 31 supporter, it makes you look silly.

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Pegida are against the Islamification of the west.
I genuinely hope they achieve their aims, yet would distance myself from them or anyone with Nazi connections. Yesterday’s peaceful demonstration was msnt to be aagainst the Islamification of the west until the yobs destroyed it.

Is this something you are against yourself @Sidney? The islamification of the west?

Section 31 was a silly and misguided law. Borne of a certain time when Ireland was much more comfortable with censorship which was wrong . Sinn fein should have been allowed to be interviewed and access to media and their message dismantled by logic and questioning. Same now with any group you disagree with.

What is a neo Nazi?
Define what you mean by that

My Polish brethren were there supporting right thinking folks yesterday.

Someone who believes in low and order and opposes low life lefty skangers.

That’s the fucking job for those cunts… Good to see we still have some men left in Ireland…Knowing O’Loughlin, I can confirm he is a waster and would have shit himself in the situation outlined above… A bit like lads like @hbv and @projectx , all hard talk on here but they’d shit themselves in real life if they were confronted for the hate they practice online.

I’ve no doubts that that group are scum, especially after seeing that quote from Goebbels, but you can’t have mob rule when it suits you.

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I just want an Ireland that my offspring and their offspring in turn have a chance to live in peace and harmony free of religious hatred, just like I did.
I don’t think backing any group who prioritize opposing the Islamification of my country qualifies me as practising hate.
It’s grand for a waste of space cunt like you with no family values or ideals to want to try and ‘fix’ the planet but I’m not happy for you to have this silly gamble at my expense and the expense of my offspring.

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