Pegida in Dublin

Listen, there are times when society needs the mob… Dealing with kiddie fiddlers, rapists and these far right nazi scumbags.


But you all become screaming Mary’s when a Cameraman gets a couple of clatters?


Thats a clamping

Did I? Fuck the cameraman.

Spreading religious hatred as you do seems a very strange way to achieve that.

I don’t want Ireland islamified @Sidney.

That’s not religious hatred it’s just practical common sense thinking.
If the Muslims can come here, integrate, respect our culture, respect the other religions here already then I’d welcome them here like iv done for example with the box heads.

This is a level of thinking that’s beyond the like of you. But it’s fair I can guarantee you that.

Tweeting about Josef Goebbels being “a genius 100 years ahead of his time” could, I think, fairly classify one as a neo-Nazi.

Dressing in a non-ironic way as Adolf Hitler, could, I think, fairly classify one as a neo-Nazi.

Vilifying all people of a certain religion as “subhumans” could fairly be classed as neo-Nazi behaviour.

Replace what Pegida Ireland have said about Muslims with “Jews”, and see how it sounds.

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You the launch of a neo-Nazi group in Ireland “a good initiative”.

Thinking isn’t your strong point, my friend.

I don’t believe religion should have any place in influencing the laws of a state. Given your consistent religious conservative, pro-Roman Catholic church views, I think it’s fair to assume you differ with me as to whether Ireland should be a theocracy.

They are not a neo Nazi anything @Sidney. You have latched onto this to attempt win an argument on the internet a bit like @rocko inventing fictional goings on at yesterday’s demonstration.
Well played both of you heroes.

Pegida are against the islamification of the west. I wish them well in this regard. Do you?

Do you think ISIS supporters should be allowed hold a rally in front of the GPO at 3pm on a Saturday?

I have a faith @Sidney. I don’t have a wish to impose my beliefs on everyone else nor do I wish to exterminate those who’s beliefs differ from mine.
You are all over the place kid, pulling bits and pieces of no relevance to this situation to try a d gain an internet victory.

Explain the following behaviour from Pegida then, please, and tell whether you think it isn’t neo-Nazi behaviour:

Tweeting about Josef Goebbels being “a genius 100 years ahead of his time” could, I think, fairly classify one as a neo-Nazi.

Dressing in a non-ironic way as Adolf Hitler, could, I think, fairly classify one as a neo-Nazi.

Vilifying all people of a certain religion as “subhumans” could fairly be classed as neo-Nazi behaviour.

Replace what Pegida Ireland have said about Muslims with “Jews”, and see how it sounds.

Pantomime Nazis?

Are thugs who break up lawful protests because they have a different view also then neo Nazis?

Do think religion should be allowed influence the laws of a state?

Do you think ISIS supporters should be allowed hold a rally in front of the GPO at 3pm on a Saturday?

Do you think the Orange Order should be allowed march in Catholic areas where they’re clearly not wanted?

Right minded people would say No. But then again right minded people don’t go around thinking they are above the law. Do you agree with that carry on? Or do you only see one picture here?

Against the islamification of the west @Sidney.

Don’t you get it? Personally I’d live with Muslims if they and I am repeating myself for you integrate respect etc etc.
Not wanting their religion and culture to take over is not comparable to being anti Semite. You know this. The Jews are cunts alright but they don’t and never wanted us exterminated. In fact the Jews have integrated nicely and are happy to live amongst everyone without needing us all to dance to their tune.

:smile: stop ffs
