Pegida in Dublin

I think he’s referring to the immigrant council Glas, in case you haven’t guessed by now. They’ll push their own agenda and often it will be self serving. Not necessarily te government’s view.


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@Rocko is been filletted here in the manner his ISIS mates would roast a christian syrian child on a spit outside Aleppo

Ah holy fuck, that is the most unrealistic sentiments I’ve ever read on here. The world would be in some fucking mess if this was the case. (even worse mess)


Odd to see you wilfully misinterpreting my post. It’s been happening a lot lately. If I was cynical, I’d think it was an orchestrated campaign.

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Fair play on very noble sentiments.

I don’t agree that it’s possible based on very conflicting cultures, one culture would have to cede


Lot of student union utopian nonsense

Uncontrolled immigration ffs saKe :blush:


Away with the fairies. Very sheltered upbringing I’d say.

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The world as we know it would change drastically. I accept that. I don’t believe there’s a justifiable moral case for retaining the status quo however.

I accept any transition would be extremely difficult and would be resisted and opposed to a point that would tender it impractical.

But I still think it’s the right thing to do and I will therefore broadly support any measure that reduces border controls as a step towards equality.


That’s a lovely dream in fairness.

I think you have far greater faith and expectation of the human race than I do. In 1000 years there still won’t be equality, its just human nature. Laws and restrictions keep us in check to some degree.

You mug.


Fairly clear from their own video the left rent a mob are the aggressors and are the ones with their faces covered. Use one man’s nationality to abuse him before shouting “racist scum” :smile:

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Quite instructive to see Fine Gael supporters sticking up for neo-Nazis here.

Their true colours are never far from the surface.

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No, we are criticising the anti -PEGIDA left wing terrorist scumbags that ran riot in our capital city yesterday.

You’ve already made your support for this neo-Nazi group quite clear.

It’s a bit late to row back now.

At least people now know your true views.

Throw up a reference there lad

Pipe you down you immigrant

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These anti-PEGIDA left wing terrorists have a very basic level of education and most likely people who receive dole money.

This footage now clearly informs instead they are racist also.

Democracy at work.

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