Pegida in Dublin

Will you fuck off

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The Irish did that for 100 years

I’m not going to get into a tit for tat bullshitt argument with you. In the video protestors were goading the officers, the officers were demanding in no uncertain terms that people move back.
The idiot with the camera continued to move about where he shouldn’t have been & got a clatter.

Can you not see the error of that guys ways? Do you take direction from the Gardai when asked or told to? Have you respect for the law of the land & those who implement it?

Sorry, are you against this or are you for it?

You Sinn Fein lads are very good at muddying the waters.

This wasn’t regular uniform beat gardai was it? A line of riot squad guards with batons drawn would indicate to any reasonable person that there might be heightened circumstances at play, and it might be sensible to move out of the way. Or maybe that’s just me being reasonable. Certainly there’s no way journalists could have moved back and covered events from the side of the street is there :roll_eyes:

I’ve no respect for the dumb fucker who clattered the cameraman, no.

Do you know what quango means?

I’m not read up on all their views. Do you want to debate immigration or do you want to debate what someone else said that nobody had referenced here? Do you want to call me a bigot and then complain that I’m starting name calling?

You have a real chip on your shoulder. Complaining about hypothetical reactions to hypothetical comments you haven’t even bothered to make yet. That takes real bitterness to be raging about something about 3 steps from reality.

We should have known the likes of you would support these extreme left wing anti-PEGIDA scumbags.

You thick thick poor fuck

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Rocko, I can see the anger in your posts. Right from the get go you were aggressive and angry.

Given your anger any time this comes up its clear that you are a bigot on this and many other topics. I’m well aware I can be a bigot too.

What do you think of the recent influx of people who have either had visas in other EU countries or applied for asylum and been refused in other EU countries?

Watch the footage again, the camera gets stuck ( whether intentional or not is inconclusive ) and the cameraman gets smart while again being told to step back. Can I make this any simpler for you?

The cameraman or journo’s should never be beaten, we all agree on that.

But, if they put themselves in situations where the threat is real or even more inanely refuse to take direction well fuck them.

Why are you being so precious about this minor incident?

Yes, it means state or semi state advisory/ admin organisation. In use in Ireland it generally means a state body.

Do you know what it means? Do you know what you are trying to say?

Quasi Non Governmental Organisation

The Garda was a dumb fuck and shouldn’t have pucked a cameraman. I’m glad we agree.

Wow. What a reply.

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The quasi implies the government sponsorship/control

Sorry forgot autonomous I.e. quasi autonomous non governmental organisation

You’re not going to agree with me on this, nor will many. Even many of those of the left.

I don’t agree with any controls on immigration at all (apart from extradition and those with outstanding warrants). I see no moral justification at all for somebody born on this island having a right to a higher standard of living than somebody born elsewhere.

When we have the technology and ability to support the movement of people, I think history will look very unkindly on a developed world that sought to protect what they have by denying access and opportunity to those with less. I don’t believe you should need to claim asylum to enter the EU. I don’t believe you should need to be from the EU to enter Ireland. I believe the imposition of border controls is morally reprehensible and probably the greatest crime of our lifetimes.

I undoubtedly have a higher standard of living because of restricted immigration. I believe that’s deeply unfair.


Maybe Mr Boucher could distinguish between a scumbag protestor poking a camera in a guards face and goading him as he goes about his business and an rte cameraman doing likewise.

Mr Boucher obviously attended the refresher course that covered that.

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