People Flatty Knows

It’s time to document the raft of people Flattythehurdler knows. There’s a long list but I’ll start with a recent offering:

An Aussie mate who’s been everywhere. He liked Iceland (not the store mind).


Michael Carrick

John Bishop and he’s meant to be a cunt.

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John Hanbury

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John Hanbury’s mother.

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The Prince of Wales.


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A brother that’s better than John.

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A high-up woman within the Man U camp who’s pals with Juan Mata.

Ged Mason
James Dyson


His pal the landlord(publican) who is riding his other pal’s 20 yr old daughter


@flattythehurdler I like Bishop. Please tell me this is a lie?

Carryharry ( the cunt )


Mick Hucknall, who he played five games of pool with- winning none but taking him to the black on two occasions

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This will become one of the all time great TFK threads.

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Well done @flattythehurdler - you’re officially rent free now


Two lasses from Rochdale who kissed each other at his Christmas party.

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Here ya go pal

That’s an outstanding rant. Fair dues @flattythehurdler

“The White toothed cunt.” :smile: