People Flatty Knows

Lake or river?


Fair enough . Carry on

I read that as fisting.

Is he first generation Irish?

of course you did :smiley:

IT would have made for a much more interesting story than what it was. And Anna always struck me as a lil filthy minx.

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Trout fisting :thinking:

Only on the OCHO.

Did you invite him over?

He is afair. I’m pretty sure his first name is Brian, which is why I asked him about Brian Friel. Wondered was it him. He lectures or is a professor in English lit. I met him in Rochdale of all places.

We agreed to go fishing together, but once I found out who his daughter was, it didn’t seem right for some reason.


That poor bastard probably wanted an aul pal to go fishing with, and you didn’t go because his daughter is famous?

He probably wasn’t comfortable going fishing with a man whose daughter he has impure thoughts of.

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:slightly_smiling_face: possible

Ladies and gentlemen, i give you David fucking Hasslehoff (…a nice enough fella)

Ed - they’re mates.

Ed is a regular punter on 6.20am - £505 return to Lahndan which leads me to think that Ed is rather loaded (he’d want to be) and may possibly be involved in nefarious activities. There isn’t much additional info on Ed at this juncture.


I’m meeting ed in 45 mins in the station. Ed is a business type alright. Ed is an English private school boy who loves Ireland more than anywhere else in the world and absolutely is besotted with jump racing. He brings a possee to punchestown once or twice a year, drinks Guinness, is the most Irish English public school boy you’ll ever encounter, and has spent the afternoon in Mulligan’s. Ed is likely to be well shook tomorrow.


I’d put in an addendum that ed and I used to go to the sale sharks every Friday night. I always got six free tickets. Ed would manage always to blag us into corporate and then put a credit card behind the bar. On many occasions all I can remember is the pitch was green. Ed once slept in the dogs basket in a hall, whilst a well known legal eagle was found by his wife in the porch in the morning.
Ed came up with the idea of the beer glove when it was cold.


Final update on Ed. I met him through herself who met him at an exercise class down the northern called bikini bootcamp.