People Kev knows

When TFK becomes real life



No such thing as bad publicity

Both Joe & Kev are caricatures, more concerned with bluster & show than anything else but I do think there are interesting questions in that area.

I do think the faux horror at big intercounty backroom teams is stupid, unless you really know what each person is doing. Are there people in there not contributing much? It’s definitely possible but generally, additional people are there to lessen the workload on others.

On whether they should all get paid is another question entirely. Now, a fair chunk of them won’t be paid but obviously there are some who do.

Obviously there is an amateur ethos for players, they don’t get paid. Managers & coaches aren’t supposed to be paid but, generally, no one would have an issue with a physio getting paid because that’s their actual work. And obviously a lot of clubs can’t afford to have a physio throughout the year but will shell out for Championship matches. Whereas county teams will probably have a physio (or two) overseeing things from the start of the year. And that is expensive.

And it has kinda bled out from that. No one has an issue with a physio getting paid but people may have an issue with S&C coaches/‘movement coaches’, etc. Nowadays, they will usually have some sort of professional qualification too which I suppose differentiates them from a hurling coach. But there are a lot of spoofers in the industry too.

I would have assumed that if you are charging money on the basis of you holding some professional qualification, then you should be held to higher professional standards and taking a higher level of responsibility for your actions but I know for a fact that this is not always the case.

And whatever about intercounty teams who do tend to have more funds available, a lot of clubs don’t and have to fight for every single penny. I’ve spoken about this before, and I’m not saying that they shouldn’t spend any money, I just think that they need to be smart about what their team really needs and not throw money after fads or things that they won’t really use/get a huge benefit from.

I’ve had teams offer me money before without any real idea of how I might be able to help them. And if they’re doing that with me, what are they doing with bigger names/lads actually out to milk the system? Now, the money I’d be offered is quite low insomuch as it’s not really even worth charging it tbh, it’s not like it’s going to make any impact on me, and clubs work hard enough to fundraise; maybe it’d be different if you are trying to make a livelihood from it.

I see that Kev says that we should pay more people in the GAA. And I’m not against the principle but I think that we have to be careful; whatever about intercounty level, should people be trying to make a livelihood from amateur clubs? Fundraising is an absolute cunt of a thing, and I just don’t know if the people making the decisions in a lot of cases have enough knowledge to make informed decisions on how to spend it. So it’s ripe for exploitation at the moment.


Excellent post.


Joe Brolly won an All Ireland, a highly successful Barrister, gave a kidney away to a stranger and who then worked tirelessly to change the law on organ donation which will save lives.

Kev is an self delusional idiot who believes going to the gym cures cancer.


Did he give a kidney away?

I wasn’t aware of that.


think he also said newborn babies should be given goats milk


I have an issue with the trajectory of GAA over the last 15 years or so where the move has arguably gone beyond what may be expected from a professional set up.

Essentially this is not what the GAA is about - not for me anyway. It is amateur and it is Irish. No one really cares about it outside of our little country to this push towards the very highest level of professional standards goes against what it is about for me.

While the big counties can push the high standards of fitness, primarily through the promise of success or likelihood of success, this trickles down. So the second level need to up their standards to be able to take the field with them, third level need to up it to compete with second and then fourth to third. Before you know it every team in the country has to have the very highest standards to be able to compete over 70n minutes.

Speaking as someone from a small county, this is killing us. We don’t have the promise of success, in fact our promise is a bit like that of new recruits into the IRA back in the day - ‘death or prison’. So we struggle to retain a consistent team. Our best player chose not to commit this year for instance. And would you blame him? Absolutely not.

We need to get a grip of ourselves. Money drives the ability to have the top people driving aggressive fitness regimes. But like a lot of things the GAA centrally couldn’t be bothered even looking there. Why? Because they themselves are amateurs.


Joe went to town on Colm Cooper for having a testimonial dinner. Joe said it was against the ethos of the GAA. But Cooper wasn’t getting money from the GAA, he was getting money from people who chose to give him money at a dinner.

Will Kev have the wit to bring this up and corner Joe?

Kev coached a team to win an all Ireland too tbf.

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Let’s see if he’s still checking in here :grin:

Did he? Who? And was he the actual coach or just the fitness guy?

Think it was the cork ladies football team.

@Bandage will know.

Remember he touted them to take the men’s senior gig after it :smiley:

Flesh this out please.

Was he the coach though?

From a couple of years back.

Club Football championship game in Bansha. Typical low key group-fare where the ref played for the draw and Kev didn’t agree with his timekeeping so went in and had a right go at him after.

Ref wanted to take his name to report him, but Kev wasn’t having it. He probably expected the Tipperary referee to recognise him.

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That’s like saying Ray Boynes coached the Dubs to win All Irelands. Well coached them to look at photos of players they didn’t know and how many times they lost possession or kicked the ball into the wrong space.


I was just thinking the same reading those tweets. It almost felt like Joe was replying to posts on here. He was utterly bemused with the gusto that Kev used in slating him. BOX OFFICE.

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There’s oil, spanners and wrenches all over the floor of Joe’s wheelhouse. The place is in shit. “Who does this swarthy fucker think he is?”