People Kev knows

Friends in Listowel

A friend working for the Barrs. Another one working with The Glen.

A Spanish sociology lecturer from UCC he was banging a few years back.


Karl Lacey through correspondence

Engineers and builders working on Pairc Ui Frank who have evidence that it should never have opened and hadn’t passed safety. Had some pitch issues as well , they believe

Kev has em all rattled again

Where is this?

Cork Final Attendance thread

A friend in Seville, working with Barca.

He’s in Barcelona. The friend that is

A mate who brings his kid to Kilmacud Crokes even though they are not from the area at all, because it’s just the place to be


One of @Bandage’s mates who confirmed to him that @Bandage regularly hummed and hawed about his wexfordness and saw himself more at home in Dublin.

@Bandage’s mate also said @Bandage was an awful sell out.


This person is a poster here ya daw

A referee in cork who has fixed several club matches for financial reward.

Allegedly for fuck sake.

You’d do well to follow your own advice in the same thread.


What are you on about?

The cunts that wave the confederate flags at cork games .

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This thread is the bedrock of, and predates many posters.
Please dont defile it by changing the title.


A former Dublin hurling coach. He knows him quite well actually.

A college friend who was Ger Cunningham’s S&C coach for years.

Luckily for Kev these revelations tied in nicely to a point he was making at the time.