People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

When was last time plunketts won a championship in football?

I don’t know. I’m only a blow in but I’be enjoyed seeing them blow up a few times. Reminiscent of Dublin in the 00s. Great team on paper but they all never performed when required. Bot of a soft centre also.

Did Plunketts waste a generation they will never again have they did?

Over next few years Crokes, Boden and na fianna will probably start carving up the championship between them . Unless a team gets a load of imports… Think Boden and crokes had 4 minor teams a few years ago… That’s incredible.

Yeah I can remember going to Parnell on a few few wet wednesday nights where unheralded Judes and Ballymun turned them over. They were top heavy with Bernard, Alan and Nesty Smith who was a lovely ciotog. Ross McConnell was usually in MF but a club version of Ciatan Whelan. Flash as hell when things were going well but went hiding when things got tough. Brides from Cavan was a tidy back but small. I’ll have to go back on programmes to see can I remember any more. There were another couple of brogans involved. @Spidey would be the man to ask.

Bugler and Thomas Walsh would be their best men now. Barely a top 16 club now. Their hurlers are better now.

Evans form offaly at full back I think, David sweeney from laois midfield . Sherlock was with them in the end too… Was Smith the fella who missed a relatively easy late free to win championship final v crokes? Ended up a draw and crokes either won in extra time or replay…

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I’m not sure they’ve ever won one

Was wondering… Never really heard of them until they got to div. 1 when Alan brogan was coming through… Some amount of players have passed through… Paul galvin and kieran mckeeever both togged out with them…

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How many years did Galvin give with them?

Anthony moyles too maybe?

Forgot about Evans. Sweeny is a ref now. A decent sort @myboyblue is a pal of his. They also had the Cavan keeper O Mara. Galvin gave a year there also.

One. I think he went to Crokes the year after and only played hurling.

I’ve an inkling Moyles was there alright. He would have fitted in with the culture of the time.

Yeah moyles too… Did his brother hurl with Dublin? Lally from brigids joined too… They would have lost mick galvin and senan Connell to na fianna back in late 90s.

Think eamon fennell tried to join at one stage before ending up at Vincents…

No friend my man, no friend.

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There was an unhealthily large outside contingent on that team. A lot of home grown talent too. Dessie Farrell, Jayo, Tommo Lynch and the Foley brothers. Ironically enough both hurling and football teams have little or none home grown players now and could probably do with a couple to get them over the line. No one wins championships in Dublin these days without a couple of decent blow ins.



are the main ones that come to mind. Could be one more (a Peter maybe?). They certainly left a few championships behind. That one where Nesty cannoned a last minute shot off the crossbar when a point would have won it and Crokes took them in replay. Were hot favs in 2011 when local rivals Brigids beat them in the final. Struggled badly for decent backs and too much chopping and changing there with imports to compliment their forwards undid them in tight games. Gone backwards in last few years and down to Div 2 with only a trickle coming through.

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I think Boden won championship last year with all players who played underage with them .
What was the name of the foley who played fullback with that na fianna? He was a hardy bastard.

Mark I think. Ian was a tidy forward - lacked a bit of pace though.

A good friend of man had a son play for Plunkett’s for years . They were always dependent on the 2 Brogans shooting the lights out for them and if either or both were held they struggled to beat the big boys . A Cavan lad Brides played for them and he was a hardy lad . They have a small enough catchment area