People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

That must have been it.

As a minor. He used to spend his summers there

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He had an absolute 'mare the day of the Connacht Final in 94. Not exactly helped by the apparent lack of a right-footed dead ball kicker. His manager, the legendary Jacko, didn’t help his cause in all fairness.

I think Galvin ended at crokes for a year or two before going back to sylvesters…

Cark people get very excited that Sherlock holidayed there


Plunketts would be about 1km from castleknock. I know there’s the thing of where the kids friends play but surely you’d imagine brogans kids would play for Plunketts especially given such a strong family involvement

I Think its odd you are thinking about this

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Isn’t The pink panther Jim Rock brogan’s brother in law?

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Especially as the Brogans grew up in brigids catchment

You beat me to it :smile:

His mother is from there.

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As far as I know Alan started the kids in plunketts but all their mates were in castleknock so he had to swallow it and move them to castleknock

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can you step in here


You’ll do well to get a mod to intervene here at the moment. Think the mods, nearly a week on, are still busy celebrating the novelty of Glasgow Celtic winning the League of Scotland for the 51st time. There’s seemingly some sort of online virtual party this afternoon. Were you not invited to it?

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Ouch!!! Ease up now, the leadership struggle in the Greens has him spread thin at the moment. Hard to fight every fire from the yacht club.
There was scant feedback from the tennis outing either.


lawn tennis

That’s a bit limp in fairness. It’s lacking venom and acerbity, hallmarks of your style when dealing with Muldoon’s. Everything alright?

This thread has lost its soul

On the coffee table over at my mothers house. A right D’Arcy of cunts here. P.S. The bottom right :rofl: