People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Did they ask TJ why he couldn’t get in the Kilkenny team for the first 7 years of his career?


Niamh Brown is really using TJ to raise her profile.


There were better players ahead of him in the mind of the management? Could you not have worked that out for yourself?

I wonder what TJ is getting out of the arrangement?

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Phenomenal. What an assortment…

Read something like that allright.


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How would the only Chinese inter county gaa player,play in Cork as a ringer and not be noticed?


Eh he wasn’t an inter county GAA player?

He played as a kid?Fair enough.

Aye, Twas underage. He was fucked off down to Cork as it seemed a better place to summer than the slums he was growing up in.

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Luke Chadwick. You’ve had your time now you ugly fucker, move off the stage.

I could never get into hustle culture. Too much bustle.

It’s the bustle that kills ya

There is definitely such a thing as a busy fool

Daniel has no business being on that page.

Rory’s Stories


Serious misstep. Rory is loved around these parts. Rethink that post.

I’ve heard he does a good joke about the wife whinging and being desperate for a few of Guinness alright.