People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole


These expectant mothers talking on the radio about how they cant have their partners with them at the birth.
Another plethora of them on Sarah McInerney there now.


Na Fianna Eireann :grin:

Load of shite alright FFS no place for a man at all, speaking personally as a father of 7 I wasn’t allowed/ expected to be anywhere near , know I’m an old bollox but why would any man be in there, woman doesent need us there, I attempted to enter last child’s birth , she made it clear to everyone she didn’t want me to see her in distress

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It’s not even that. I have every sympathy for them. But they’re bringing a life into the world. It’s a joyous occasion and they will have plenty of time to enjoy it. There are a minimum of 1500 families out there today that could not even give there loved ones a good send off. That’s a bigger wrong imo


Same all over, 10 max at a funeral is grossly unfair

I think they can be at the birth but just the birth.

A first birth especially can be nerve wracking and if something goes wrong it is catastrophic. An ally/voice in the room is a comfort for women and potentially a game changer


People are so fucking selfish. People dying and these ones moaning about this shit without the slightest bit of interest about why it’s being done. Imagine that virus got in to a maternity hospital and a few babies started dying. The mentallers would put it as a fractional percentage of overall babies born but I think one baby saved is justification for these measures.


I absolutely accept all of that. I was present for both my daughters births. The second was particularly nerve racking as it was an emergency cesarean. Under normal circumstances, I would have no issue with it and would even encourage it. My point was simply that whether we liked it or not, a lot of maternity hospitals decided to be cautious about it and decided that in the best interests of everyone involved to adapt a no partner policy. Why do they feel the need to come on national radio every ten minutes and give us a rundown.
On Monday April 6th. My wife dropped me outside the door of Vincents hospital. Hugged me while crying her eyes out because she couldn’t be with me after the OP and to be honest wasn’t sure what kind of news we’d get afterwards. I didn’t here her whinging to Joe Duffy after it.


It’s the opposite. My nephew was born there a few weeks ago in the height of this. My brother was allowed wait in the hospital room while the birth was taking place elsewhere. When the baby was born, the baby was brought down to him in the room and his wife rejoined them a little while later.

My nephew was brought down covered in a pink blanket, so my brother assumed it was a girl. The answer to that was a simple “no, we were just all out of blue blankets“ :smile:


To be honest I don’t think the women give two flying fucks who’s in the room during the throes of it.

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All the more reason not to be whinging about it after

And if you are present, keep well away from the business end of things.


Oh, City end, all the way.



Fuck sake mike you aren’t a green horn. They whinge anyway

I’d happily have missed the births of mine.
I could make up some twee shite, but I’d have been happier waiting in the pub.


Ah look, its messy, a lot of roaring and screaming and shouting, blood and shit everywhere, in the end you’re happy. And that’s just the conception


Sherlock falls out with plenty. He’s the reason Paul Flynn retired from inter county