People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Like an IRA member in an interrogation room. Pick a spot on the wall and don’t let your eyes wander.


The first one is interesting I suppose. It gets a bit meh after that.

Lucky you’ve a good woman kid

That’s well gone,you have to give some account of you’re movements, otherwise charged,used get away with". AFAIK etc etc etc"bit more suave now,no boxes etc,all under camera, Dundalk Garda stn used not have cameras so they’d bate in the door and get away with it, all nice and PC now

The misogyny crew were out in force this morning

Some do some don’t

I would say that the vast vast majority of women would want their partner in the labour ward with them, what an awful thing to have to go through with strangers, not able to have a bit of a laugh in the quiet moments,

Agreed. Just dont think one size fits all here

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Want their partner or the father of the child ??

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Neither of mine did, thanks be to God, nearly lasted with the youngest but I was shown the door

I was referring to the business end of the occasion. I’m not sure they are aware who’s in the room when it’s at that stage.

The nice parts leading up to delivery, yeah I’d say a lot of women want company.

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Not surprising, lads are taking about fannies, and TFKs biggest fanny shows up.

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Men have no business being present at a birth in my opinion. Rather unpleasant vistas, some unholy truths screeches and yelps that will never leave your mind. Leave it to the women and let them get on with it. On the flip side I can understand why a man may wish to be present for a variety of reasons. I don’t recommend it.


If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime

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Excuse me but what are you talking about?

Weigh in, tog out and man up.

mmm of course.


Dr Gavin Jennings has me driven demented
A photo this morning of his band t shirt and comedy mug

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