People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

The scousers are seething

Liverpool fans have killed to win before, and will do so again if necessary.

I thought Liverpool spoke truth to power, except when it’s inconvenient for them.


I just noticed the club and county crests on the garden wall on today’s twitter clip. :joy:

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The Laois one looks smashing there beside the Liverpool one

Nice story about Leon Reid there.

Those kids will ending up hating sport because of the pushy parents.

Having seen that little pitch previously I thought it was just part of a local club. But renovating your own backyard, complete with crests of various teams on the side hoardings…

I’m sure Marie is a nice lady and means well but she’s awful on that radio show with ace prankster Donners. Mind you, she’d know far more about sport than him.

Aye, maybe they’d have been better buying them x-boxes

Exhibit B


@spidey hates successful women who encourage a love of sport in their kids.

You hate to see it

gimps who still say “stay safe” If gives me a great opportunity to enthusiastically launch into my trusted and well rehearsed monologue that the whole thing was a cod, citing the 4000 bed emergency hospital that was never used and why every supermarket worker was not killed


I read somewhere they built a 4,000 bed nightingale hospital in London out by the Excel Arena and there were only 34 lads in it at the height of it.


And they were only there to fix the plumbing


Disappointing turnout.

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They won’t say that to you again, as they slink off muttering FOAD under their breath.

Dr. Eva Orsman. Christ is there a greater pontificating, narcissistic arsehole anywhere on the planet.
She was on there with COTY BOC and it was a scutterfest of calories, exercise, wellness and reams of waffle. Brendan was excelling himself in promoting her activities. Cunts X 2.


John Creedon

What was that pal?

She’s detestable


To be fair tassoti only mentioned it 500,000 times.