People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

They built an emergency hospital in the excel centre in East London with 4000 beds. At the height of it there was 34 lads in it. It shows the whole thing was a cod. Same craic in Ireland. According to experts like Gerry Kileen 60,000 would have been killed in Ireland now with GAA pitches every full of dead bodies piled up.


They built a morgue in Johnstown Castle and Gardens in Wexford to pile up the dead bodies that never arrived. They’ll have to put big potted plants in there now and make it part of the tourism offering. I read about that huge empty hospital in London before alright.

Gerry Kileen makes me feel ashamed to be a UCC alumni.

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Are you much good at shoving it down their throats?

Apocalyptic doom mongerers. Trying to intimidate the government and people of Ireland and Britain. That Bollix neil Ferguson is one them too. They were on about turning football pitches in to morgues here too. Putting the fear of God into people for no reason

You’d wanna see the hoops that HIQA made care providers jump through in converting some of their units into emergency isolation units. Thousands of hours of time lost in mindless paper work.

The only good thing coming out of all this is that if a proper killer virus hits there a heap of policys written in preparation for it.

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Jaysis surprised we haven’t heard more about it

Come again?


If youve been in the excel centre, it’s ginormous. Given no tradeshows be occurring for a while there, wasn’t much needed to be done to turn it into a suitable facility.

Oh ye of short memories. Luckily Italy and then Spain were the test beds for the initial phase. If it had hit Ireland first then this video would have been shot here. I’d prefer to be looking at empty beds than looking for them.


Wasn’t a cod for those who died

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Don’t mind that buck he’s away with the fairies

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Marie Crowe


Who is she?

Indo sports journalist

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" journalist"

That kit is awful

One half of Ireland’s premier sporting power couple. She and he are living rent free in spiders head