People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Not sure what you mean there. It looks like CHC appealed the findings, not the Fitzpatrick family

Youā€™re coming at it from a completely different angle I think anyway

I think I get you now, I doubt any case would run in relation to this accident, itā€™ll settle

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By God. Heā€™s some boyo.

@myboyblue ?

I was young and experimenting, he needed the money

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Itā€™s almost like they are looking for attention.

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Is every single social media post not just a cry for attention?

Is that lads given name Blue? Were his parents ā€˜charactersā€™

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There was three Blues in my class in primary school

Very common below

Nick names or christened?

Heā€™d have been fair sick if the ring fell into the sea.

In fact he might have turned blueā€¦

Gorm Ɠ Casaide for the match programmes.

Ya Iā€™m pretty sure that was his genuine given nameā€¦ Never knew him by anything else anyways.

Eiffel 65 must have had a cult following in the peoples Republic

ā€œBazā€ Ashwamy


A dose

Oxford diplomat. What a handle.

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She hadnā€™t crossed my e paths for over a year . She is still an unmerciful pain .

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