People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Tommy Gorman.

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Everything he says annoys me.


Thatā€™s quite funny though, good dog at the Harris stuff.

I was going to comment on the appropriate thread but there are some melodeĆ³n needy cunts on Twitter. Some sadass there yesterday knocked the day whinging about a casual flirty comment some young buck passed at her. Youā€™d think heā€™d whipped his cock out on the bus such was her indignation. The amount of ā€œAww Hunā€ cunts chiming in was as bad.


Thats not unlike something that @myboyblue might come out with.

very bitchy

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Iā€™d say a tub of Pringles lasts longer in her house than mine


Thereā€™s definitely a want in people who spend so much time taking photos of themselves in different outfits and putting them online for likes.

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What about people who post pictures of their dinner on here for likes?

Thatā€™s fine.

Doesnā€™t seem to be the same scale of narcissistic behaviour.

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I like Kathryn. Letā€™s hope she does some nude work before she puts on any more weight.


Lucky the wellness and lifestyle retreat she founded in 2015 had the requisite skills to set her back on the right track


You mean she has done porn?


Sheā€™s only a pound shop Averil Power in his eyes.

Or people who post pictures of their pints for likes for that matter

thats very unfair to glas. if he wants to put the pics up on insta whats the harm?

I wouldnā€™t mind the pints but lads posting up pictures of their tackies. Well :man_shrugging:

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