People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Heā€™s actually a really good tech journalist / reporter / writer but this twee shit that has started since the Trump riots is nauseating. Heā€™s playing up to it as anyone in his position would but itā€™s so ridiculously false

Heā€™s cashing in with the yanks and rightly so.They love that shit man.

Cute Kerry cunt

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Chef ā€œGazā€

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Send the book back

Heā€™s on holiday in Gran Canaria this week.

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Has a big spiel about the value he got on the holiday with flights, hotels, all inclusive but yet couldnā€™t remember who he booked it with

And heā€™s gone on his tobler for a week

ā€˜Go again with mates? No wayā€™

Donā€™t think youā€™d be the one making that decision son

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Really? I hadnā€™t noticed. Must have cost a fortune.

@Bandage and his running exploits, fuck off you boring bastard.


Vladimir Putin.

Or more precisely, pictures of him.
@Rocko can we have a blanket ban on people posting photos of Voloyda Pukin please?

Tadhg and Derry Fleming. The dancing Kerry crowd.


Keith Barry. Has a new Saturday night show on RTE thatā€™s going to ā€œblow your mindā€ apparently. I thought heā€™d lose relevance after his premonition on Up For The Match 2008 that Waterford would beat Kilkenny by a point and score a crucial goal in the 18th minute. They proceeded to lose by about 25 points.

I wouldnā€™t have had him down as 45 years old to be fair to him.


His uncle taught me German and History. He was a very good teacher.


I saw him doing a switcheroo with an envelope at a show in UL years back. Once I realised he wasnā€™t really a psychic/magic/wizard I lost interest and stuck to following real ones.


Liverpool players and their relatable social media content/advertisements

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Tell us never pal

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I saw Paul Daniels perving on a teenage girl once. I always thought he was a prick after.

Weimar nicht Kapital no doubt !

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An insignificant instance I know, but Ian O Riordan athletics (generally) column in the Irish Times on a Saturday is starting to grind my gears

Every single column has a reference to his own running career or more likely his Fathers running career.