People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

He had a few thousand before his GAA stuff went viral in ireland.

He’ll have to rely on his own material to garner likes going forward.

As I type the buff Egan has more followers .

Jesus that Kathryn Thomas is an awful dose

Buff has more than 2m followers on social media?

He’s Box Office as they say in the states.

Thom Malone.

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I’m buying my Christmas presents this weekend so I’ll probably get 3 or 4 of these and give them to friends. Thank you @glasagusban for helping me overcome my cynicism about brave Richard Sadlier.

Families wearing matching Pyjamas.


I saw that on twitter earlier, bloody hell. It’s a bit much.

Who are they

For the love of God.

Dunno, like @FlakeAway I saw it on Twitter after the comment on here so threw it up. The fuckin state of them. Friend of mine does it, says it’s the missus and it’s all for the kids. Ask me bollix if I’d do that


It’s Christmas mate, let it go

Anyone who does that is a cunt.


Fucking hell, thought it was the lone shark there at first

Me self and Bobby did this but I couldn’t get him to sit still for the selfie


In all fucking fairness,would you be guilty?