People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Leave it go now.

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Yet another clerical entry, that self-promoting asshole Fr.Ray Kelly.
Interested primarily in keeping his gob in front of the camera. Possibly a COTY nominee.

I see they’re at it again tonight

Fair play to you Mike-y. Hope you’re getting stronger and looking after yourself.

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I am kid. In good form

I’m very happy to hear it Mike, you bring a smile to my face. :+1:

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Cillian De Gascun

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There’s a lot of nerds loving their moment in the spot light and they are slow to let it end

Did you know he played against Jonah Lomu? That’s how you know it’s good.

Every minor irish celebrity on Twitter having love in for Leo. It sickens me deeply

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Please don’t.

Not people but “lockdown skills videos” are starting to annoy me intensely. Most of them are shite.

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You held up well to tolerate them for this long

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At least an age limit wouldn’t go astray. Fine for 10 year olds.

People building those wacky domino Wallace and gromit domino contraptions to assist them putting sugar in their tae. Utter wankers (apologies to @Thomas_Brady, I know how long it took you)


I can’t take her seriously. Had a Dublin lady working in credit control who is the bulb off her and has the same accent and mannerisms. Tough woman.

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What about this one?


Her husbands called"harm"
Fuck me they should have went the whole hog and put a “what” in front of it