People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole


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The ‘I never did well in a single thing in school till my leaving cert which I absolutely aced’ crew.


Joanna Donnelly is absolutely A1 by the way,

I’m obviously goosed so, inter cert was enough for me

Thought she’d be your type alright.

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Matt Damon


To be fair Matt Damon can’t be blamed . The needy cunts in the oirish media are the problem


Back off bro.

People who wear face masks and gloves in the supermarket yet insist and leaning across you to get something. I had 2 instances of this in aldi there.


Anyone who calls hurling a warrior sport.


this one is really getting on my wick now, who cares about this story, this is like a stunt Varadkar would pull, get some lackey to leak the storey to the press


That’s what you get for shopping in Aldi

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Marie Crowe and family


Holy shit, I only said that to Mrs Allen tonight.

If that back garden pops up on Twitter once more. The son is a fan of whatever club is playing on tv at the time.


The fuckin lights, neighbours must be driven spare

I think they are regular at tallaght stadium

Withdraw that

A mother and father cultivating a love for sport and good health in their kids. And it driving some lads mad.

A few lads would want to take a long hard look at themselves here.

Kids are enjoying it Id say. A pound to a penny the oldest lad will have given up the football by minor though. Getting driven on hard enough

They’ve been on the six one news almost as regularly as Tony Hoola Hoop at this stage.

How many times have they been on?

I think I’ve e seen them 3 times since the lockdown