People who have been mugged off. Good and proper like mickee321

it was around this time a few years ago lol. nice hash or nothing for me in Ireland pal. hope all is good kid

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Can’t remember the last time I smoked a joint with hash in it.

Prefer it than the weed in Ireland

@TheBird had to spend Christmas with a bunch of cunts for some reason, and then to top it all off, they gave him covid.


Gaetano Manfredi, the mayor of Naples.

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The Dutch people gave their government the same answer, great to see

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Not sure mate. Think that was a pro Dennis Irwin rally.


And Paddy hid under the bed

Meanwhile in Ireland


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A massive victory for Australia. In other news kicking Joe brolly off her show must have made Claire byrne feel really special and powerful.
Australia is essentially a petulant wee bitch

Healthy, well educated fellas that rolled up for a ‘last years model’ vaccine booster cause “sure you won’t get in any where without it”.

You literally couldn’t make it up… Fellas making themselves sick and depriving their families of a proper Christmas.


fucking apes

I was in Lidl in Drumcondra doing the weekly shop this morning. I had a full trolley and was in a queue and was just about to start putting my stuff on the carousel when an asian girl with a box of eggs in her hand walked past heading to the back of the queue. Being the nice man that I am I told her she could go ahead of me as she only had the one item. She thanked me with a nice smile and then proceeded to pull another 20 items out of a rucksack she was carrying and put them on the carousel. As if this mugging off wasn’t enough to be going on with the aul one behind me in the queue started giving me gyp for allowing the Asian girl skip the queue. I walked out of Lidl a wiser weaker man


As I often say to myself when shit like that happens, if that’s the worst thing that happens to you today, you’re doing alright.


What harm is there in a bit of common courtesy - none. Like awarded.
You may have felt mugged off for a small while but you’ve managed to turn it into a positive and have garnered a nice post award.
If I were you I’d copy the post with the likes attached, laminate it and keep it in your wallet in case you run into the oul’ biddy who moaned at you again…

“ Here you’ll crone, have a gawk at that then”….


:grinning:. That’ll learn her

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Straight out of Curb your Enthusiasm that could be :rofl:


I’ve said it here before and I’ll say it again
“ no good deed goes unpunished “


St Thomas’