People who have been mugged off. Good and proper like mickee321

Are you the chap who was onto me for weed?

Poor @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is getting mugged off left, right & centre by @Halfpipe

A kicking really

Sheik Mahomed. His ex-wife, the 47 year old daughter of the late King of Jordan has just relieved him of £500m by way of a divorce settlement.
Doubtless the devious Sheik will appeal and create as many obstacles as he can dream up to welch on his part of the arrangement.
She’s a proficient rider (horses) I gather. *

Welcome to 5 posts ago.

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I was killing a turkey your Honour…… :hot_face:

Oops, have we heard something similar a quarter of a century ago?

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Poor @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is getting it now for being a hypocrite on the Paddy Cosgrove is a cunt thread.

Bad day for the sweaty one.

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she’ll have a car accident or some other misfortune soon enough



He said her demands should be seen in the context that Sheikh Mohammed had a £2m bill for buying strawberries one summer for his country estate, northeast of London.

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I wonder is there a picture available of this lad where he doesn’t look like a miserable joyless cunt.

“Absolutely uniquely, the main threat they face is from (the sheikh) himself not from outside sources,” Judge Moor said.

“There will remain a clear and ever present risk to (Haya) for the remainder of her life, whether it be from (Mohammed) or just from the normal terrorist,” he said, referring to security threats faced by someone in Princess Haya’s position.

The judge basically saying the Sheikh will try and kill her.

Yup and that he’d clearly kidnapped his children. One of them from British soil.
Obviously all right thinking countries, the UK in particular, will immediately stop trading with the UAE and impose massive sanctions.


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If the wife tries to divorce me, I’ll have similar stories to tell of profligate spending :sweat_smile:

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I can see the BHA stepping in here and refusing all future sponsorship from the Sheikh on a matter of principle

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I wonder what did an attractive women like Princess Haya see in him ??

I’d have the DPD delivery man on the stand.


King Hussein married her off to him sure.

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There will be many discussions on dowry matters in west limerick over the coming weeks

Standing out in the pissing rain on a miserable little back lane, waiting for a hearse to pass by and it a half hour late. It would be very ironic if my father caught pneumonia from that.

You’ve never seen grey until you’ve seen the stony grey.

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It appears @peddlerscross has done himself a mischief in the Liverpool thread.

Man down