People who have been mugged off. Good and proper like mickee321

I think she reached a level of “rattled” that has never been recorded before
Level 7

Can we make him a friend of the forum?

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He’s one of our own
He’s one of our own
Mick Lynch he’s one of our own


Journalism is fucked

Do we know what part of the auld sod Mighty Micks patents are from?

That’s not journalism

He’s some wanking spanner that Piers Morgan.


He’d remind you of Fionan Sheehan or Michael O’Regan - going in like a big child about the current affairs of the day


I was going to call him a clownshoe but I’d reserve that for a harmless idiot more so than a poisonous cunt like Morgan. Another vile fucker RTÉ via Ryan Tubridy regularly platform. File alongside Katie Hopkins, Kay Burley etc etc. :rage:


Turns out Mick is related to a couple of the lads in the folk group Lankum.

Mick had more at the picket than Lankum could ever hope for.

Careful now you’ll upset a lot of lads here who thought he was a straight talking “tell it like it is” merchant who was fearlessly taking down the “woke agenda”, whatever that’s supposed to be.

News that Mick is available on the grandparent rule surely has earned him friend of the forum status. We’ve the wrong Mick in the Aras. Put in a real socialist

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Piers’s only agenda is self promotion and enrichment.

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Lambo from Bohs’ wife is in that group. He’ll be claiming Mick in the next piece of insufferable Bohs graffiti and football jersey


Hopefully Mick will tell him to jog on

Paddy needs a right mick in the aras