People who have been mugged off. Good and proper like mickee321

Joe absolutely smoked john there

Me. Took the kids to avoca for breakfast yesterday. Fleeced. 4.30 for an americano. 4.45 for a cappucino…

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Them pear and almond scones :ok_hand::ok_hand:

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It’s a rip off allright but when you’re on your death bed you wont ever remember this, you’ll remember craic you had with the lads at the time.Im in the middle of the same thing at the minute on holidays, we’re spending a fortune not by choice.But you know what we had some craic earlier on between the lot of us that money won’t buy and got a few photographs of it.Enjoy life pal cause it’s short.


And I’m not giving out,you were fleeced.


The fleecings with kids are special kinds of fleecing. Voluntarily going in with your wallet open to be emptied.

But sure what else would you be doing as you say and have had reinforced sadly lately, my sympathies by the way, life is short


Agree. I was at a funeral today of a 48 year old woman who lived life to her fullest but didn’t get long enough. You can’t bring it with you.


The triathlon lady? Thats very sad.

Correct. A lovely woman. She was single and opened up her home to Ukrainians. Has travelled the world and would think nothing of hitting off to some random spot in Romania on her own for a few days.


“Don’t cry for me lads, I lived a full life. I gave the guts of a fiver for an americano”


Did you not know beforehand that Avoca is the worst kind of rip off?

You pay extra for the class of clientele you are rubbing shoulders with.

The Santy industrial complex are plotting an epic mugging off for this winter. Will be €200 to drive in to collect your selection box and get a photo with the 15 year old in the red suit.

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I did. But you’d forget just how bad if you dont go regularly.

Their raspberry cheesecake is well worth the 16 snots.

The chowder with 2 big cuts of brown bread for €10 is a meal in itself

We had the kids in Avoce in malahide on a wet Sunday about 5 years ago. The smallest one was in a pram and when we got back to the car we noticed she was after procuring an old fashioned Teddy Bear for herself. I checked the tag on it and it was 89 euro. 89 euro for a fucking teddy! I’d like to be able to say i had a crisis of conscience but I didn’t.


sigh, this is why we resent working class people coming to our village