People who have been mugged off. Good and proper like mickee321

They are very fond of themselves alright

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In fairness kitt must have been really truly righteously shit to be worse than james

Maybe it was a cuntish act of desperation from David Kitt to try and stay on the record label but sounded like he was a prick if he did it anyway.
He was moaning about not being able to afford to live in Dublin a few years back. I do like a lot of his stuff though. Far easier to listen to than Blunt. Is Kitt still a prick?

It’s not showfriends it’s showbusiness.


Prick hasn’t sold a record in 20 years and thought he should be able to afford a property in an expensive capital city.

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I know. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s mad Ted

My buddy in college volunteered at the college radio station and got his number, don’t feel as bad we prank phone called him now

Fella here in the NCT. Bought a car off of a Moldovan fella. Just failed the test miserably. Tester tells him that the car failed miserably in December 2023. Lad who sold him the car decided it couldn’t be fixed and sold it on.

If you cant trust a Moldovan selling you a used car then I dunno anymore.

He should try sell it onto another mug.



Did he try putting it in H?

Some of my best friends are Moldovan.

The Buff will end up with it before the League ends


Bought a car with no NCT then presumably? You’d want to be some mug not to have at least 6 months on the cert of an old car. Really you’d only want to be taking one with a new NCT

I don’t know whether this should be in the things that are right thread or what. But anyway.

About a year ago I got a knock on the door. Some young one in the estate that we had interacted with over the years. I know you have a little girl she says. Here’s some of the toys I used to like I’m selling them. So bits and pieces of absolute fucking rubbish that my house is full of already, and she giving me prices a euro for this, two euro for that etc.

Anyway I was impressed by the absolute neck on her. You’ll go a long way with balls (metaphorical) like that I was thinking. So I bought some tat off her for a few euro. Gave em to the daughter and she was delighted and a good deed was done, all was right in the world.

Anyway. You know the way if you are caught for a scam they put you on a suckers list and sell them to other scammers, until eventually ever scammer in the world is ringing you (if you were unaware this is true). Well I’m that guy in the estate now. The kids have been talking. Another fucker caught me for €4 today for rubbish.

To be fair if you were to buy it in a shop it was probably worth a lot more new. But tis like selling sand to an Arab. I’m telling the missus we need to get rid of all the shit in our house and here I am buying it off these fuckers at the door, out of a mix of admiration at their neck and a bit of sure it’s only a few pence.

I wouldn’t mind but the cunt that stung me today is constantly knock a dollying me.

TLDR; I’m the neighbourhood mug