Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

Heard that last week. Did she locate the old flame after? She got over the husband quick enough!

I didn’t hear. I’d say she couldn’t wait for the day the oul coot kicked the bucket.

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I have a high EQ.

Wow! That’s a fair story. And me man out for more action now :ok_hand:

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Fuck me, I’d leg it

Another one for the Nogra racists this week.

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I’d say if some of the TFK wives ever found out this place existed, they’d be very worried about what kind of lunatics they’re married to.


Apparently one fella was caught by the wife and she left him and reported him to the FBI.

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She should divorce him.

He’s dead right. There are more horrifying things going on in the world. Ireland is just obsessed with American culture unfortunately

I’m actually not sure how to respond to how stupid that post is.

There are far more worrying things going on in the world, and in Ireland, than a nihilist group fronting as a racial equality protest.

Slavery for example

Yeah, her husband was so obsessed that he had to post about it on his Facebook.

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Dear Roe

My girlfriend and I are in our 30s and are living together. Her younger sister moved in with us at the end of last year. She was meant to stay for only a couple of months but coronavirus has forced her to stay longer; she’s unemployed. I was delighted at first. I now had two beautiful women living with me. But my girlfriend is a front line worker, so over the past few months her sister and I have spent a lot of time together, alone. One night after dinner (and a bit of wine) she confessed she’s fancied me since she was 15. Long story short, we’ve been having sex for the past few months while my girlfriend is at work. Sometimes I’ll have sex with the sister at night, then have sex with my girlfriend when she gets home in the morning.

I’m absolutely torn with what to do. I know this can’t continue but I love both of these women now. Whatever happens I’d hate to tear their family apart (it’s just the two of them and their mother.) To make matters worse, I think my girlfriend is getting suspicious. Please Roe I need help, what do I do?

My wallet’s too small for my fifties and my diamond shoes are too tight.


I don’t actually need your help. I just came here to brag


Getting the mother onside is key here.