Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

Some of the dirty cunts here do be scratching down there when they’re not itchy

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Hanging in there!

Works best if read with a northern English accent.

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Its like Jeremy Kyle for people who can write


Imagine discussing with your misses about her going off with another fella on telly like that. Odd as fuck

They were separated, what the fuck is he crying about.

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People living their lives for you on T.V.
They say they’re better than you and you agree


Do they discuss his mention in The Little Black Book of Jeffrey Epstein?

Don’t they famously have an open relationship? Why the fuck would a man that wealthy feel the need to air his dirty laundry in public anyway? He can’t need the publicity


It’s the fact they aired this so publicly that amazes me.

I’d like to say she seems like a right cunt, but I might be set upon by a few of the woke brigade on here as @artfoley unfairly is from time to time.

The story goes that Will rode Margot Robbie during this time, if so, kudos.


I knew who this was before even clicking the link


I was listening to Liveline last week. Some Swedish lad called Bergers had been to Ireland in the 60s and met a girl (initials TC) in Zhivagos or some place like that and fallen for her. He then went back to Sweden and got married to another lady but he never got TC out of his head and wondered what became of her.

Phylis then phoned in from Clonmel. She met Jackie in the Collins Hall at a dance one night. They fell madly in love. They got engaged, Jackie was from a very well off family. They looked at lovely new houses in Dublin, but Phylis couldn’t bear to leave Clonmel so they went their separate ways. Phylis wondered where Jackie ended up. Phylis had a bad marriage the husband was an alcoholic. He died a month ago.


A small price to pay to live in beautiful Clonmel.

It’s the way you tell em

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It’s a pity @Fitzy isn’t around to regale us with some of his stories from clonmel

It’s a pity @Fitzy isn’t around to regale us with some of his stories from clonmel