Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

Are you trying to tell me that there’s something wrong with sleeping with your tenants?

This poor lady wants a relationship with a man and she’s hardly had a proper conversation with him in 6 months. Poor thing must be awful lonely.

Are you offering to step up to the plate

I’d definitely meet this poor lonely lady.

Sight unseen?

You’re a brave man

It sounded like she hadn’t had the Herbie Hide in 10 years and next minute your man arrives to fix her faulty switch.

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She sounds like a predator.

You wouldn’t like living in that basement anyway

The misogyny crew are coming out to play.

I wouldn’t sleep a wink knowing there’s a predator lurking.

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We’ve all been that young man, and that lady…

I’m surprised the Irish times do this sort of thing

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Have you been the exploiter or the exploited?

Wimmin have always taken advantage of me, but my post was about human relationships in general

He arrives every month, evidently having not washed since his last visit; he bring his clothes all bundled up in a rancid bag and throws it beside the washing machine for me to wash.

I find his personality very irritating; he is a pseudo intellectual who spouts quotes or soundbites from literature that he clearly hasn’t read, and constantly argues political points for the sake of it.

Ok own up lads, which one of the TFK cranks and dimwits club is it?

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The cunts on here have hardly read a book in their lives.

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Has to be @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

I don’t have a brother in law.

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Can you help? I go for a good shit in the morning, and even after full initial clean up, an hour later, I’m back in again to wipe more out. Should I go down the route of using wipes (environmentally unfriendly) or seek medical attention?

I can see how you picked your username now :scream: