Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

Brother of mine has his bikes ( does iron man etc so bikes are expensive) x box , big flat screen, music and sofa and fridge in his concrete jobbie at the bottom of the garden, all to get peace from his one ,all insulated and heated ,kid grown up and he doesent drink so got it built 3 years ago , reckon it’s saving his relationship

Christ, are women ever happy?

Only when moaning

No. You can share your problems with us and we will advise you.

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I will take that under advisement.

I guarantee you she told him to go sort himself out with a den. Now that hes done it, its backfired on her.

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I’ve never met the woman mike, but I hate her guts.

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The relationship can’t be worth a fuck to begin with if he had to build himself a hideout form her.


some meath bogger is in for a rude shock

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Typical Art.

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i was never in australia.

still dodging the question i put to you on the twitter thread

Hope she finds her father. Seems a genuine story.

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37 then. 56 now. Andys gonna have a bitta explaining to do you you’d feel.

Was that around the time of a Lions tour?

The Rathoat Inn will be sweating…

It’s almost like you knew the answer to this…

Matthew dodged a bullet.

This was clearly written for the attention of the new Mrs Matthew.

That’s from 2017. Any word how the 46 yr old is getting on now?