Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

I still would, weekend gaff in notting hill and all…


  1. She’d be pushing 50 now

Ageist cunt

I’m a regular contributor to the auld birds thread, and my Mrs is older than me (cc @iron_mike @Bod95). Not ageist here at all.


Its a cod

Those agony aunt columns are all cods. What does she think Mary is going to tell her?

Someone should tell Mary you can get viagra over the counter now. Pfizer saving us from covid again


Infertility is one of the big side affects of the vaccine. The whole covid thing is just a ploy by governments to reduce emissions and decrease populations

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Now thats a rabbit hole of conspiracies, I’m at the bottom of the list so we will know more by than

There was a brilliant one in the Sunday world magazine yesterday which made me think of this place.
My husband wants me walk him around on a leash, we bought one online but now it has arrived I’m having second thoughts as we always meet people we know out walking.


You read the Sunday World?

Reminds of yourone from tiger King and her new husband

Back when tabloid newspapers were a thing 15 or 20 years ago I used to love reading dear Deirdre in the sun when I got hold of a copy in a northern tan accent for the amusement of myself and my buddies. Those tans were hoors for getting into a bit of carnal bother.

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Thats nice, now tell us about the magazine article

Good advice here lads

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Myself and the wife have something similar. I ask her would she prefer to cook the dinner or do the ironing first.


And then you hand over the cheque for the new kitchen


Yeah I must check the return on investment on that one alright.

Well, we don’t see much sign of her in the sitting room at any rate.