Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

She’s behind the TV

Trying to close the curtains…

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@Tank will be ploughing hard post covid

I was talking about this on here before anyone and being dismissed by the usual suspects of course.


Double mask lads. Be careful out there.

The party in Achill must have spawned a few children I’d say

Whaddaya want. Lads to tell you that your life is fucked?

Men & Women need to practice a bit of Personal Responsibility and they’ll be fine.

Those twenty somethings these days are hopefully useless at a large amount bar whinging. They’re super whingers

I’m alright jack

Any single woman who gets accidentally pregnant in her thirties didn’t.

Without reading it I’m gonna say it’s 50/50


Without reading I’d say it’s a completely made up story


We need the Jeremy Kyle show now more than ever


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Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. If the death of Gerlock taught us anything it was that.

Hold on - he wants to get involved in a child’s life that he’s not sure of and start supporting?

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He’s most likely a Jaffa clinging to this as a forlorn hope of his line carrying on.

I heard boyceys a jaffa