Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

Tough aul situation. I nearly ashamed to say it but I’d leave her at it after being f’d out of it.

She’s not taking her meds. Ask for professional help.

If it has been dragging on a while, do you think it would wait the weekend?
If your gut is that it will, you could try the GP on Monday, but I’d be inclined to ring the gardai or call in as there is another potentially vulnerable adult there (Im presuming DS stands for downs syndrome)

Is there anyway you’d know who her GP is @backinatracksuit if you told them they might know case history etc and (without telling you) would know themselves whether to be concerned and what action to take

I haven’t any complaint to make, I don’t think it’s a Garda issue, but I will speak to a Garda I know up the road and see.

I have a suspicion of who the GP is @Julio_Geordio but they shut at 1 today, perhaps Friday afternoon wasn’t an ideal time to take this into hand.
Thanks anyway, we’ll keep plugging away

I dont know what a good outcome is but I hope you get it bud


A good outcome is that she’s well and can care properly for her brother.
She’s a nice lady when she’s ‘herself’, she’s gonna drive everybody away as things are, I can’t go into the specifics but it’s a really bizarre situation

Should be someone on call there. They can advise/look in to it. Be warned if you make a report the neighbour will be entitled to know who made it.


The other siblings are the way to go here surely?

I don’t want to give away to much, I don’t think they are any good to be honest. My wife spoke to the more solid one recently and he was in a ‘what can I do about it?’ state of mind. I’ve a feeling he’s close to finished with her, and she’s not sorry about that

Thanks for all the replies, we’ll keep an eye out anyway and start by contacting the GP on Monday, I’ll speak to my Garda neighbour over the weekend

Surely through your place of employment you can get a number for social/tusla advisor you can speak to off record? … You need to be very careful here before making any kind of accusation, even to her doctor. I’d speak to someone in that world first.

What’s evident here, sadly, is that mental health issues are a Monday-Friday thing as things stand. That’s 5pm Friday just to clarify. Appalling.

There was a case in the South East years ago where they fucked up royally over lack of services outside appointed scheduling.

Good luck with this one, personally I’d alert the siblings at this point expressing your concerns and see what evolves.

It’d be safer to speak to her doctor off the record as a concerned neighbour as opposed to anyone in Tusla. BIAT will know that, Tusla are a bollix to deal with on matters of ‘concern’ as opposed to anything concrete, you’d nearly be the one interrogated for raising concern. I have a feeling that the brother is of adult age anyway, so Tusla is irrelevant in this case maybe?

Everything in this country is a 5 day job. Ireland’s pandemic is a 5 day pandemic sure.

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Ya, the brother is close to 50

On a fine Friday evening?

There is an out of hours service. They were shamed into providing it.

It’s a job for social workers or a public health nurse I think. How urgent is it? If you think she’s very unstable ring the guards, otherwise contact welfare authorities on Monday. The door ajar isn’t a great sign.

My Garda mate says it’d be a job for a Garda welfare check. Probably your Garda will advise you the same. Speak to the station and someone will call around with a gentle check in.