Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

His age. The CrossFit. His full time job. No mention of the mother or a girlfriend. The farm. I think I know him myself. He’s one of those Doon Tipp lads for sure.

Imagine the tension at the table when he sees the father flicking through the journal.

It’s a funny old world. When I won county and provincial club medals as a mere 15 year old my father showed little interest. In fairness knowing me, I probably hardly more than mentioned it…I may not even have fully appreciated what an achievement it was, actually!


Well aware don’t worry. There is some teams that dont have a hope of winning it but won won get relegated. Dromineer for example

That HAS to be a windup

Dromineer? There are very few teams in any of the Tipp championships that either don’t have a chance of winning anything or don’t have to worry about being relegated

You’ve mentioned it enough here


Dromineer is part of the Kiladangan catchment, the current county champions @Heyyoubehindthebushes

Sorry, genuinely didn’t think I had. My bad.

You were playing senior hurling at 15?

No. Did I say it was for hurling?

I’ll assume it’s ladies rounders so.

I think @glenshane and Joe Brolly might have kicked together for a spell.
Joe said he was obstreperous pup that ignored instructions. I

And what if it was. This thread has taken a homophobic and misogynist turn that’s very unsavoury

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Do dromineer not play on their own. I might be mistaken, was in college with a few lads in North tipp and thought they did? The North tipp championship is setious business

Kiladangan might be upset if they hear you’re trying to take Dromineer off them


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Well then, I was wrong.

Homer Simpson Reaction GIF by reactionseditor

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How the fuck did spend so long in Nayna and not know that Domineer is part of Kiladangan. I think youre a closet rubber bugger.

Disappear Homer Simpson GIF